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La Rocade - 1er Étage -

Tarifs & DisponibilitésDétails de l'Offre
  • Max. 6 Personnes
  • 2 Chambres En-Suite
  • À 300m des Pistes
  • Jacuzzi Extérieur
  • Cheminée
  • Terrasse
  • Local à Ski & Sèche-Chaussure
  • Cuisine Équipée
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Cuisine équipée du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Lit double et lits superposés - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Salle-de-bain ensuite - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Chambre double - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Appartement du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Chalets Les Gets, Chalet La Rocade Jacuzzi
Jacuzzi du Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Espaces communs du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Cuisine équipée du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Lit double et lits superposés - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Salle-de-bain ensuite - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- aux Gets
Chambre double - 1er Étage
Location Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage- Les Gets
Appartement du 1er Étage - Chalet La Rocade
Location Chalets Les Gets, Chalet La Rocade Jacuzzi
Jacuzzi du Chalet La Rocade
Hébergement Emplacement L'Offre Plans

La Rocade - 1er Étage -

Parfait pour une famille de 4 - 6, ou pour deux couples. Situé dans un hameau calme des Gets, cet appartement de 71 m² vous offre un accès facile aux pistes, ainsi qu'un jacuzzi extérieur, une cheminée, et un local à skis doté d'un sèche-chaussure, vous garantissant un séjour luxueux.

Idéal pour les skieurs de tous niveaux, les plus expérimentés pourront rejoindre le Télésiège des Perrières et dévaler les pistes sans attendre. Quant aux Débutants, un arrêt de bus se trouve juste devant votre porte et vous déposera à l'école de ski en 5 minutes.

  • Proximité du Centre:
  • Proximité des Pistes:
  • Qualité / Finition:
  • Prix:
  • Superficie: 70,77 m²
  • Style: Moderne Alpine
  • Note éco: 4.9/10

Espaces Communs

Le feu de cheminée est le coeur de cet espace ouvert, offrant plus d’espace que nécessaire pour les 6 occupants que cet appartement peut accueillir. La baie vitrée offre un accès privilégié au jacuzzi extérieur, partagé avec l’appartement du deuxième étage.

Chambre 1 (10 m²)

Chambre pour deux personnes. Un lit double ou deux lits simples disponibles. Salle-de-bain indépendante avec douche, et toilettes séparées.

Chambre 2 (12,8 m²)

Chambre pour 4 personnes. Un lit double ou deux lits simples disponibles, ainsi que deux lits superposés. Salle-de-bain indépendante (baignoire avec douche).

Appartements voisins

L'appartment la Rocade 1er étage fait partie du Chalet La Rocade - un grand chalet composé de trois appartements. Veuillez noter que l'étage du rez-de-chaussée est occupé par les membres de notre équipe. Vous pouvez réserver l'appartement du 1er étage séparément, ou vous pouvez le combiner avec l'appartement du 2ème Étage du Chalet La Rocade, pour accueilir jusqu'à 14 personnes. Les deux appartements partagent l'accès au jacuzzi extérieur et au local à ski en bas.

Emplacement de la propriété

Un emplacement de rêve pour les groupes de niveaux mixtes. Les skieurs les plus expérimentés pourront emprunter le télésiège à grande vitesse des Perrières et profiter du secteur des Chavannes en 10 minutes. Pour les moins confiants et les débutants, l'arrêt de bus se trouve juste en face du Chalet. 5 minutes vous suffiront pour rejoindre le secteur des Chavannes et l'École de Ski.

Depuis 2019, une piste bleue permet d'accéder directement au télésiège des Perrières, facilitant chaque soir le retour au Chalet pour les skieurs les moins expérimentés.

Que trouver à proximité?

La Rocade - 1er Étage - se situe à 5 minutes de marche du télésiège des Perrières, et à seulement 100m de l'Hôtel-Bar le Chinfrey. Vous pourrez découvrir le Restaurant La Fruitière des Perrières, en face du appartement.

Au départ

Équipez-vous dans le local à Ski et traversez la route pour rejoindre le télésiège des Perrières. Ce télésiège à grande vitesse vous emmènera directement au secteur des Chavannes en quelques minutes. Pour les moins expérimentés, un bus vous déposera au pied de l'École de Ski et de la télécabine des Chavannes en 5 minutes- vous offrant accès aux pistes pour débutants. Nous recommandons les lignes de bus A et C au retour.

Au retour

Si vous vous sentez confiant sur des pistes bleues, vous pourrez alors emprunter la Vorosse puis les Trembles, vous menant jusqu'au télésiège des Perrières. Pour les moins expérimentés, ou pour ceux qui préféreraient s'arrêter pour profiter de l'Après-Ski, la navette de la station vous ramènera chez vous en 5 minutes. La ligne de bus est la ligne B.

Description du Chalet

  • 4 - 6 Personnes
  • À 300m des Pistes
  • Cheminée
  • Terrasse
  • Jacuzzi Extérieur
  • Chambres En-suite
  • Téléviseur Écran Plat
  • Wi-Fi Gratuit et Illimité
  • Local à ski & Sèche-Chaussure
  • Parking Privé
  • Cuisine Équipée
  • Machine à Café à Grain
  • Draps & Serviettes Inclus
  • Lits Faits à L'Arrivée
  • Chiens acceptés
Veuillez noter que l'accès à la terrasse, au jacuzzi extérieur et au local à ski est partagé entre les 3 appartements du Chalet.

Non Inclus

Merci de cliquer ici pour plus d'informations.

Services Optionnels

  • Transferts de l'aéroport
  • Forfait de Ski (livré au Chalet)
  • Location de Ski (livraison sur demande)
  • Cours de Ski & de SnowBoard
  • Services de Garde d'Enfants

Nous proposons d'organiser ces Services pour vous auprès de Prestataires de Confiance, sans Frais Supplémentaires. Veuillez noter que la Prestation reste à votre Charge.

Plan de L'appartement

L'Appartement La Rocade -1er Étage-
Mountain chalet in Les Gets

Car nous aimons Les Gets

Nous sommes maintenant fiers de dire que nous sommes la première entreprise de chalets certifiée avec l'accréditation EU Ecolabel dans les Alpes françaises!

En savoir plus...

à 300m des pistes

La Rocade appartement 1er étage est situé uniquement 300m des remontées mécaniques de Perrières.

Toutes les chambres en-suite

Les 2 chambres sont en-suite car faire la queue pour la douche n'est jamais amusant.

Jacuzzi Extérieur (partagé)

Détendez-vous et soulager ces muscles endoloris dans le bain bouillonant à votre retour.


Détendez-vous devant le feu de chéminée après une journée éreintante sur les Pistes!

Un Chalet ou deux Appartements privatifs

Le Chalet La Rocade se compose de trois Appartements indépendants, occupant chacun un étage du Chalet (le rez-de-chaussée étant occupé par des membres de notre équipe). Chaque Appartement peut être réservé séparément, ou les deux peuvent être combinés pour accueillir jusqu'à 6 - 14 personnes. Voici un sommaire de ces options.

Les Avantages

Chambres En-Suites

Toutes les chambres de l'appartement disposent d'une salle-de-bain attenante. Pas de bousculade au réveil ni au retour des pistes, chacun peut aller à son rythme pour un séjour sous le signe de la sérénité!


La cheminée est un élément incontournable des charmes d'un chalet. Rien de tel que de se retrouver autour des flammes après une journée épuisante sur les pistes!


Accès partagé à un Local à Ski sécurisé, ou vous trouverez un sèche-chaussures et des espaces de rangement. Quel plaisir d'enfiler des chaussures chaudes et sèches avant de démarrer la journée!

Emplacement Idéal

À 300m du télésiège des Perrières, un arrêt de bus se trouve juste devant le Chalet. Vous trouverez également Un bar, un restaurant et un magasin à moins de 100m de votre porte!

Service de Conciergerie

Sans frais supplémentaires, nous pouvons organiser votre forfait de ski, location de matériel, vos cours de ski, transferts de l'aéroport et garde d'enfants. Ce service de conciergerie gratuit est inclu dans votre séjour avec nous.

Jacuzzi Extérieur

Après une journée éreintante sur les pistes, relâchez vos muscles endoloris et oubliez fatigue et courbatures en vous glissant dans le Jacuzzi!Veuillez noter que ce Jacuzzi est partagé entre les 2 appartements du Chalet.

Questions fréquemment posées

  • Heure d'Arrivée/de Départ

    Le jour de votre arrivée, votre chalet sera prêt à vous accueillir et vous serez les bienvenus à partir de 16h00. Le jour de votre départ, nous vous demanderons de libérer le logement avant 10h00. Si vous arrivez aux Gets avant 16h00 ou souhaitez partir après 10h00, nous serons ravis de garder vos bagages cependant il n'y aura pas d'accès au chalet lui-même.

    Heure optimale d'arrivée : entre 16h et 18h.

    En arrivant autour de ces heures, votre hébergement sera prêt et vous attendra dès que vous serez en station, ce qui est particulièrement pratique si vous voyagez avec des enfants. Si arriver aux Gets dés le matin et dévaler les pistes sans attendre semble attractif en théorie, dans la pratique, la logistique peut s'avérer plus contraignante. Bien que nous soyons heureux de stocker vos bagages, nous ne pourrons pas toujours vous offrir un endroit pour vous préparer au ski. Si vos horaires de vol sont tels que vous ne pouvez pas éviter une arrivée anticipée, l'option la plus recommandée serait de déposer vos bagages avec nous, de vous imprégner de l'atmosphère et de manger un morceau.

    Heure optimale de départ : entre 9h et 10h.

    Encore une fois, bien que l'idée de s'offir une dernière session de ski le jour de votre départ semble bonne, cela peut devenir un peu difficile à réaliser. Premièrement, si le temps se détériore , il deviendra difficile de trouver des divertissements alternatifs, en particulier avec les plus petits. Deuxièmement, après que vous ayez quitté votre logement, nous ne pourrons vous proposer nulle part pour vous changer et remettre des vêtements confortables pour votre voyage de retour.

  • Peut-on réserver un court séjour?

    La Rocade - 1er Étage - ne propose actuellement pas de court-séjours.

  • Garde d'enfants

    Il existe d'excellents organismes de garde d'enfants aux Gets, prenant en charge toutes les tranches d'âge. Bien que les Termes & Conditions de ces organismes ne nous permettent en général pas de réserver pour vous, nous sommes toujours ravis de pouvoir vous conseiller et vous orienter dans la bonne direction. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur notre page dédiée. Veuillez noter que la garde d'enfant n'est pas inclu dans votre formule.

  • Cours de Ski

    Laissez-nous organiser vos leçons de Ski pour vous. Partie intégrante du service que nous proposons, cela ne vous coûtera pas plus cher que de réserver vous-même - la seule différence étant que nous nous occupons de tout pour vous. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur notre page dédiée. Veuillez noter que les cours de Ski ou de Snowboard ne sont pas inclus dans votre formule.

  • Location de Ski

    Partie intégrante du service que nous proposons, nous nous ferons un plaisir d'organiser la location de votre matériel. Gardez à l'esprit que cette location n'est pas inclue dans votre formule, mais réserver votre matériel auprès de nous ne vous coûtera pas plus cher que de réserver vous-même. Détendez-vous et laissez-nous nous occuper de tout pour vous.

  • Transferts depuis l'Aéroport

    Une fois votre vol réservé, veuillez simplement nous communiquer vos informations de vol et nous pourrons organiser votre transfert pour vous. Veuillez noter que ce transfert n'est pas inclu dans votre formule, mais cela ne vous coûtera pas plus cher que si vous réserviez vous-même.

Chalet La Rocade Chalet La Rocade Chalet La Rocade Chalet La Rocade Chambre 1 du Chalet La Rocade - 1er étage Chalet La Rocade, outdoor hot-tub Chambre 6 du Chalet La Rocade - 1er étage Chalet La Rocade, ensuite bathroom

Notre Service de conciergerie Pour des vacances en toute sérénité

Nos séjours incluent notre Service de Conciergerie gratuit pour tous nos clients. Laissez-nous organiser vos forfaits de ski, location de ski, leçons de ski, et garde d'enfants. Cela ne vous coûtera aucun frais supplémentaires, et nous nous occupons de chaque détail pour vous. Voila quelques-uns des services les plus populaires avec lesquels nous pouvons vous aider. Si nous faisons la réservation en votre nom, le tarif sera le même que si vous réserviez directement. La garde d'enfants doit cependant être réservée par les parents, mais nous sommes toujours heureux de vous aider avec des conseils et des recommandations.

Avis La Rocade

Dominique VivéFebruary 2025
Belles vacances familiales!Chacun a trouvé son bonheur dans ce chalet parfaitement organisé avec un excellent service: salle de jeux pour les enfants, lits confortables et adaptés, jacuzzi, délicieux repas et séjour confortable pour 14 personnes. De 1 ans à 75 ans , nous recommandons!
Reviewed on Google
Clémentine JonesAugust 2024
Encore un excellent séjour avec Montagne et TraditionEncore un excellent séjour avec Montagne et Tradition. L'accueil est top, les logements sont spacieux et joliment décorés. L’espace piscine, jacuzzi, spa est vraiment agréable. Un grand merci à Ashleigh pour son accueil, sa disponibilité et sa bonne humeur. Nous reviendrons, c'est certain ☺️
Reviewed on Facebook
Lauriane ChatagnonJune 2024
Le logement était propreLe logement était propre et les photos sont fidèles à la réalité. Nous sommes ravis de notre séjour tout était parfait 👌. Le logement est juste magnifique.
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William MeronoOctober 2023
Très bon chaletTrès bon chalet avec des chambres très spacieuses je recommande
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Andre BlotJune 2023
Prope accueil superPrope accueil super
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TheoDecember 2022
Excellent séjour avec Emogen et FreyaExcellent séjour avec Emogen et Freya .
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Charlène XuDecember 2022
Chalet très chaleureuxChalet très chaleureux, merci à Emogèn et Freya ainsi que tout le personnel pour ce magnifique séjour.
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Lucas WuDecember 2022
Parfait accueil de la part de Emogen et FreyaParfait accueil de la part de Emogen et Freya
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Léa WuDecember 2022
...sont super gentilleJuste mes meilleurs vacance que j’ai fais pendant qlq année rapport qualité prix vraiment correcte et abordable pour tout le monde Les maîtres de chalet sont super gentille et accueillante (Emogene et Freya)
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You LiDecember 2022
C'était fantastiqueNous venons de passer une semaine de vacances dans ce chalet, c'était fantastique. Nous étions très nombreux, 5 familles avec 16 personnes en total, et nous avons choisi la demi-pension. Nous étions étonnés par leur professionnalisme et la qualité du service et des nourritures fournis, tout le monde était satisfait de ce séjour. Nous souhaitons remercier à notre hôtesse Caitlin, grâce à elle nous avons pu passer notre semaine confortablement, elle était toujours souriante, chaleureuse et professionnelle. Et aussi un grand merci à Belinda, elle était toujours là quand on avait besoin d'elle, toutes les réservations et les petites urgences étaient bien gérées par elle. Un chalet très vivement conseillé !!
Reviewed on Google
Loic WuDecember 2022
Très très bonneTrès très bonne expérience avec un accueille chaleureux Les maîtres de chalet sont super gentille
Reviewed on Google
NadJuly 2021
Super cadreSuper cadre. Appartement très fonctionnel, superbe . Salles de bains dans les chambres. Sauna, spa. Tip top
Reviewed on Google
Fabrice BraysJuly 2020
...idéalement situéChaleureux, spacieux et idéalement situé. Sanitaires et literie un peu vieillissant malgré tout, pas gênant pour qui n'est pas trop à cheval sur ces aspects là.
Reviewed on Google
LOSFELD AlexandreJuly 2020
Nous vous recommandonsNous vous recommandons vivement cette location! Nous avons séjourné en famille (6 adultes et 4 enfants) dans ce très joli chalet. Tout confort, spacieux, très bien équipé. Lumineux, bien situé, avec un superbe espace extérieur. Nous avons fortement apprécié la disponibilité et la gentillesse des propriétaires pour répondre à nos questions. Ils nous ont réservé un très bon accueil. Ils connaissent bien la région et conseillent sur les balades et visites à faire. Réservez sans hésiter!
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Philippe DelbouilleJuly 2020
Chouette endroit!Chouette endroit! Réception top... logement de qualité. N'hésitez pas à demander des idées de promenades aux hôtes, vous sortirez des sentiers battus...à refaire!
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Stéphane HebertMarch 2020
Bonne ambianceBonne ambiance.
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Philippe GurzelerDecember 2019
A la vue des deux premiers commentairesA la vue des deux premiers commentaires, nous avons hésité à réserver ce chalet. Quelle belle surprise, l'emplacement du chalet est optimal, en plein centre de la station et à proximité du pieds des pistes des Chavannes, du Mont Chery et de l'ESF. Le chalet était très propre et nous avons passé une superbe semaine. A se demander si les deux premiers commentaires font suite à des séjours dans le même chalet que nous !
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Fabienne 83260December 2019
Excellent séjourMerci à Talula de nous avoir bien bichonné. Le chalet est magnifique. Tout est fait pour notre bien-être. Les navettes sont quasiment devant la porte. Quel bonheur de skier tranquillement , d arriver au chalet et de trouver sur la table le repas tout prêt . Pas de soucis de courses à prévoir. Les repas sont excellents. Les goûters bien appréciés. Merci de votre accueil . A très bientot. Nous le recommandons vraiment
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Cassie PanissetJuly 2019
SuperSuper we entre amis dans ce magnifique chalet!! Tout était impeccable. Super déco. Je recommande à 100 %.
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Mathilde SawayaJune 2019
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Merveilleux chaletMerveilleux chalet tu nous a comblé pour fêter l'anniversaire de notre fils établissement que je recommande sans aucune hésitation
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Destination698632 March 2019
Que du bonheur !Vous vous levez le matin; le petit déjeuner est servi et ça sent bon les viennoiseries chaudes. Vous rentrez d'une journée de ski; de délicieuses pâtisseries vous attendent sur la table pour le gouter. Quant au dîner; il vous est servi à l'heure que vous souhaitez et vous n'avez même pas à débarrasser votre assiette !!! Que c'est agréable et reposant de n'avoir rien à faire ... que du bonheur ! Merci à Elise de s'être occupé de nous. Je recommande vivement M&T Les Gets
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Yveline LASNONJanuary 2019
Super endroitSuper endroit
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Iain MApril 2024
Quiet accommodation, with good hosts and food, & a quick bus to the centreGreat chalet for a family skiing / snowboarding. Out of the town centre so it's quiet, but literally opposite the free bus into town (which takes less than 10 minutes) and our favourite cheese restaurant, with ski hire and Sherpa store with a stone’s throw. For folk who done need lessons, it's also opposite the Perrières lift, which is the quick quiet route up while the ski schools go up the Chavannes. The staff an M&T were once again predictable and boring excellent. Attentive, articulate, capable and really seemed to care about making your stay a good one. That's not hindered of course by some of the best chalet food we've had and good quality wine. Thanks guys it was a brilliant week.
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Rachael MApril 2024
A wonderful week with friends and superb foodThis was our fourth time booking with M&T and our first stay at La Rocade. It was nice to stay in a different part of town, and we enjoyed being across the road from La Fromagerie and the Luge, which was a really fun evening activity. The chalet was really well laid out for our group of three families, as we were able to put the children to bed on the upper floor and then not worry about any noise disturbing them as we finished our dinner and drinks (not that we experienced many late nights as we were in a food coma most of the time from the delicious meals!) The number one reason we have become repeat customers of M&T is the food. Having had disappointing stays with other companies who have employed inexperienced chefs for the season, we just don't want to take the risk, and we know the meals that Raph and his team create are really spectacular! The slow cooked pork cheek with celeriac puree and granny smith apple salsa was a firm favourite! Each meal was beautifully prepared and presented, and the was a lovely selection across the week. The kids easy menu was equally delicious. All of our needs were met throughout the whole process, from point of booking, right through to point of departure. Nothing appeared to be too much trouble. Belinda was always on hand via WhatsApp, and Lauren and Charlotte were fantastic in the chalet. Ashleigh was superb at getting everything put in place prior to our arrival. The Concierge service was very much appreciated and also went above and beyond what could be expected in a chalet at this price point. We are ready to book next year's trips already!!
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Chris SMarch 2024
Top Drawer Chalet HostNice chalet just outside of Les Gets village but still an excellent location near a ski lift and returning slope (even in low-snow conditions), little supermarket and ski hire shop. The chalet is split into 2 apartments that suited our group as there was plenty of room for everyone to have their own space if needed. The chalet host, Lauren, was exceptional. She went above & beyond to make our stay fun & entertaining, whilst looking after us all, in spite of some non-standard needs from our group. The only negatives (hence 4*, not 5* review) were that the beds could be more comfortable and the 'en suite' situation in some rooms is interesting to say the least. But the positives definitely outweigh any negatives and I would recommend this chalet.
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Char RMarch 2024
Great location, excellent service, delicious foodThis was our first time with M&T and they made a great impression from start to finish. So easy to book, with answers to our many questions. We especially liked the ease of booking lift passes, transfers and ski hire. Everyone we dealt with was friendly and helpful. Our chalet host Lauren was amazing- able to cater for several dietary needs and provided us with fantastic food and hospitality. My only slight quibble was that the dairy- grew alternatives for cake, breakfast etc weren't very imaginative, so i often felt our lactose- intolerant friend was missing out. Even having some dairy- free spread for breakfast would have been a good move. We were a part of 9 occupying both floors. The layout isn't really set up for friends, with several bathrooms having no doors! The hot tub was brilliant. The snow conditions weren't great when we were there, but the location of the chalet is perfect for a bus into town or the short walk to the Perrières lift, as the Melezet red was kept open. Overall, a wonderful holiday being treated to luxurious hospitality.
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
M EMarch 2024
A wonderful trip - I would highly recommend!This was our second time visiting Les Gets and staying at chalet La Rocade and we had a wonderful time! Lauren was an amazing host and looked after us all so well :-) As a company, M&T were brilliant and nothing was too much trouble - it was great to have everything arranged for us e.g. kit hire and Belinda was there for us whenever we needed anything. It took a lot of the stress out of travelling with 4 children!
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Aimee BMarch 2024
Family half term ski fun!We had another fab stay with mountain and tradition. Our second visit to Les Gets and loved every minute of it. Chalet Rocade was perfect for our family of four, 2 adults and 2 children age 7 & 10. The accommodation is warm, clean and stylish. We had our transfers, ski passes, and equipment hire all arranged through M&T which makes life super easy. The bus stop was right outside the accommodation which is a short free trip to Les Gets centre. We loved our chalet hosts Lauren and Ava- who prepared and cooked our meals during our stay- delicious! Just what you need after a full day skiing! Hot tub was an added bonus too. Belinda- our liaison was amazing again! nothing is too much trouble. The girls also enjoyed the luge!!! dare you to ride that and not apply the breaks. Thanks all- we will be back.
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Camper20033251246March 2024
Awesome feb tripWe had an amazing trip to chalet la rocade over feb half term. Lauren was the perfect chalet host, really helpful , cooked amazing food and looked after us all so well. She is an absolute credit to M&T company. Belinda was so helpful too - sorting all our questions promptly and efficiently. Thanks for a memorable trip. The Verling's
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Voyage45255297213February 2024
Amazing chalet, highly recommendThe greatest chalet ever, Lauren is the best! Super comfy beds, amazing food! Great views and some wicked slopes! Super friendly hosts. Close to the Alta lumina and the mountain coster, Walking distance to a chair lift and loads of restaurants. I would highly recommend!!
Reviewed on Tripadvisor
Julie LFebruary 2024
Fabulous holiday with M&TSecond year in a row staying in a chalet run by M&T and I couldn't recommend the company more. There were 22 of us (5 families) staying in two of their catered chalets and everything was fantastic. The food is excellent - proper home cooked dinners and delicious breakfasts and afternoon tea. From booking, to adding in extras such as ski pass, hire, transfers etc, nothing was too much trouble. The 'in resort' host, Belinda is on call to help with any needs and recommendations and the chalet girls (Lauren, Harriet and Ava) were fabulous at looking after us at meal time. Would highly recommend.
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Sophie FFebruary 2024
10/10 Fab staff!I had such a fab time staying in the middle chalet again! I'm a repeat visitor and it was as great as ever. The staff and food in particular were awesome. Lauren was incredible and so kind. She made it feel like home and always had everything under control with the food, which was delicious. She looked after us so well and we had some great laughs! Ava was brilliant too and her egg-cooking skills exceeded our high egg-spectations (sorry, I couldn't resist)! Harriet helped out on our final night with an incredible plated meal and gave us some awesome local info about the dishes, including the vegetarian options which were lovely! I'm also now a big fan of Genipe, a local herbal liquor, which I'd recommend trying! The chalet itself is perfectly situated. It's literally over the road from the Perrières lift which takes you right up the mountain, and a short free bus ride into the village for the main telecabine. Our ski and kit hire was all sorted with the booking so we didn't need to worry about admin or anything. The whole stay made our family skiing trip super easy and relaxing, and I'll definitely be back again! Sophie xox
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KylartwFebruary 2024
The best for a Skiing holiday Rocade Chalet , Les GetsOur stay at Rocade chalet in Les Gets was everything I expected and a lot more.The hosts kept us informed many months before we arrived and right through our visit. The Chalet team Lauren ,Ava and Harriet looked after us from Day one and fed us with some exceptional meals and afternoon teas. There was always a great balance of food with meat and vegetarian option always available. Every meal was explained in detail about its origins and ingredients by our chalet team , with a smile . The team were great fun and made us feel like family at all times. Belinda did a great job in organising our Ski equipment and passes and gave us some excellent tips for bars and restaurants in Les Gets . We all enjoyed our holiday with breathtaking views of the Alps , Skiing and really enjoyed the Apres Ski after our fun filled Days. The Chalet is in a great spot for easy access by free bus in Les Gets (2 minutes) and a 5 minute walk to the nearest ski lift and slopes. I would recommend a stay at Rocade in Les Gets for anyone or groups if they want great hosts , excellent food and drink and fantastic Skiing and views .
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Roz CJanuary 2024
Great customer serviceAmazing chalet and great interactions with all staff at M&T. From the minute I expressed interest in the chalet, M&T were fantastic; quick at responding, super helpful and made everything really simple. We booked everything through M&T because they made it so simple and gave us confidence in things such as lift passes being delivered on the night you arrive instead of us having to go collect them ourselves. The chalet was lovely, everyone was very impressed and the chalet host was great too (Lauren). The hot tub could have been a bit warmer but it was great just having a hot tub at all! Food was great and they catered for gluten free, vegetarian and lactose intolerance. Breakfast specials were a nice touch.
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Nathaniel HJanuary 2024
Great accommodation, but louder than I'd like.I still rate it five, as this is personal preference. The kitchen / living area could be improved by the addition of some sound absorbing materials (I think). With 11 people all talking over dinner or playing board games, it could get a bit too loud for my liking. Sound absorbing material would help to reduce this effect. It would also help with the noise of breakfast preparation in the morning, which wakes up those on the same floor as the kitchen / living area (only a problem if they are not already awake). Otherwise an excellent accomodation with unlimited wine and beer (kronenburg) and plenty of great food.
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TaffyTraveller12March 2023
Fab holiday!!We stayed in La Rocade in mid January for the week & had an amazing time! The chalet was extremely clean & well equipped, located within walking distance of Les Perriers ski lift with a bus stop opposite - half hourly buses that take 5 minutes into town were fab. The rooms were lovely & the hot tub was a lovely luxury to have, the only thing we found a bit frustrating was in our room (middle floor en suite) there was nowhere to hang towels at all in the bathroom, not even a hook, so we had to hang them on the bunk beds to dry - not major issue by any means but would be nice! Belinda made sure everything ran like clock work, from organising our ski hire and passes - nothing was too much hassle - including managing to squeeze me in for a last minute lesson which I'll be forever grateful for! The food was amazing, loved it all! Saving the best until last . . . our chalet host. Daisy was fantastic & there to welcome us! Always happy and smiling, she looked after us all so well & nothing was too much trouble. She was so helpful talking us through various routes & runs to try when we were trying to plan the following day. We were all sad to say bye! We absolutely loved our stay and planning on returning next year. Highly recommended!
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RachelElizabeth90March 2023
Another great holiday with M&T at Chalet la Rocade!We had an amazing holiday with friends at Chalet la Rocade back in January. Thank you so much to Daisy our main host who was absolutely great and nothing ever too much - you made our week! The chalet was cosy, warm and clean, and we had both floors so it was lovely to spread out as a group and have the hot tub to ourselves. The food was a particular highlight - fresh, delicious and locally sourced where possible. There was pretty much every option you could want for breakfast, and the evening meals were 5*. Being located opposite the bus stop that takes you up into the centre of town within about five minutes was really handy, but the Perrières lift is just a short walk from Rocade and you can store your skis etc in the boot room. This is our third time staying with M&T in Les Gets and we’re not sure how another ski company could top them. The team are super friendly and always on hand to help with anything, including last minute taxis home from Avoriaz! Thanks so much Daisy, Belinda, Zoé and the rest of the team. We will be back again I’m sure!
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JasonMarch 2023
Fantastic ski holiday!We had an amazing week skiing in Les Gets with a group of friends staying at M&T's Chalet La Rocade. The chalet was comfortable and warm and had everything you need to relax and unwind after a good days skiing. The staff were brilliant and very welcoming and friendly but also up for a laugh too! A special 5* mention for our main host for the week, which was Daisy from Devon and Belinda for all the inside knowledge and recommendations! The food and drink was delicious as always which is one of the main reasons we keep coming back to stay with M&T! We will be back again in the near future for sure!
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Colin UMarch 2023
Didn't want to leave!We were delighted with all aspects of the chalet. It was clean, warm, comfortable. The best and pillows were great. The catering staff were delightful, as was the food they provided. Nothing was ever too much trouble!
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Rich CFebruary 2023
Fabulous family holiday - great locationDue to Covid/restrictions this has been the 3rd time of trying to get to La Rocade, and it was well worth the wait. We stayed on the middle floor, and travelling were 2 adults and 2 children. There was more than enough space, and the Chalet was clean, modern and well looked after. The hot tub was great after a day out on the slopes, and the boot room on the bottom floor was a fab extra. Great location, less than 200m from Les Perriers ski lift which will have you in the Ranfolly/La Rosta bowl in no time. A favourite of ours is Mont Chery and with a bus stop right outside your door, it couldn’t be easier to head over. Last but definitely not least, our host Daisy - she was brilliant, and couldn’t do enough for us. Making us all feel very comfortable, and welcome. No complaints with the food everything was amazing, and so well presented… the Biscoff Blondie’s were a big hit.
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Tom FFebruary 2023
A great week in Les GetsA great time in Les Gets, being looked after really well by Daisy, Fiona, David and Belinda at M&T. Food was fantastic, and they did a good job of catering for the gluten- and dairy- free member of the group. Lots of help in making the whole trip stress free.
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RubyBon08January 2023
Fabulous family skiing holidayThis was our second year at Chalet Rocade with Mountain and Tradition and once again it did not disappoint. Everything was well planned to ensure things ran smoothly, which they mostly did. The accommodation is in a great spot with easy access to the slopes via the regular free ski bus which stops outside. The chalet itself is clean and has everything you need including a large ski and boot room. Daisy, our chalet host was wonderful. She looked after us so well, was cheerful and very competent. Nothing was too much trouble. We couldn’t fault the food. Plenty of it and very tasty. Same menu as last year, which wasn’t a problem for us, but maybe if we return again we would want something different. We’ve done numerous catered chalet holidays in French ski resorts with different independent companies and we would rate M&T as one of, if not the best. All in all a wonderful catered chalet experience. Great value for money. Highly recommend.
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Kellymchenr0404January 2023
Great New Year BreakWe stayed in chalet rocade over New Year despite the lack of snow the M&T did all they could to ensure we all had an enjoyable stay. Thank you to Imogen who was a great host and accommodated the requests from both the kids and adults. My son loved her breakfast sandwiches! David was great at quickly sorting any maintenance issues we pointed out! The biscoff brownies (I can’t recall the name of the person who makes them) were incredible and a big hit with everyone. Would definitely recommend as a great chalet for families!
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MissCDTJanuary 2023
5 star stay.We stayed at Chalet la Rocade from 31st Dec with Imogen as our chalet host who was super accommodating. The chalet was lovely and accommodated 6 adults and 8 children. The food was delicious especially the tagline (Annabelle) and apple crumble (Esha). The unlimited beer and wine was great alongside the daily specials. Belinda had great local knowledge and was in hand for any questions alongside David for any maintenance issues. Many Thanks Chalet Le Rocade for a great stay!
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Amy ScudderApril 2022
Fabulous holiday with great serviceWe spent a fantastic holiday week with friends (16 of us altogether, including 8 kids). From booking the chalet, to organising equipment, lift passes and lessons, the M&T team were always prompt with their communication and super helpful. The Chalet is spacious and comfortable, and the food was delicious. Our hosts Clara and Oona were outstanding, kind and so helpful, nothing was ever too much trouble.
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Marc SApril 2022
Superb week in Chalet La RocadeGreat time spent in the chalet mostly due to the amazing staff. Cracking food served by the amazing Clara and Oona. Belinda was also really helpful. Chalet was split into two separate floors where you had to go outside to enter the other floor but except that it was great. Bus stopped right outside to take us to the main lifts.
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MadeleineApril 2022
Great chalet in a convenient location.We have recently returned from a week staying in Chalet La Rocade. We went as a group of family friends-16 of us in totalling ranging in ages from 1 years to 47! We took both apartments which were well equipped and appointed. The kids loved the hot tub and the games provided! The only negative, which we didn’t appreciate on booking, was that the apartments couldn’t be internalised so you had to go out the one apartment to get to the other. This wasn’t ideal for us bearing in mind the age of our children as we weren’t overly comfortable with them going to sleep in one apartment whilst we were eating dinner in the other. Otherwise the location of the apartment was convenient- a short bus ride into the centre of the resort and the buses were very frequent and on time! Our chalet host Clara was amazing. Very friendly, helpful and made our stay very enjoyable. She was great with the children too! Belinda ensured that all the extras we booked were ready and waiting for us which relieved a lot of stress. The food in the chalet was delicious. A great menu that was a hit with both adult and children. The afternoon tea cakes in particular we couldn’t get enough of!
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ManxcomishJuly 2020
We'll be backStaying in Chalet La Rocade with Mountain & Tradition made for a great snow boarding holiday 2014. Jana, Raph and the team have a very well run business which started for us with our transfer from Geneva airport. Our lift passes were ready for us and the ski/board hire is done in-chalet on the first day which saved us lots of queuing vs pervious stays in les gets! The Chalet is only a very short walk from an express chair lift which is nice and quiet - we were the first on some of the runs after some good snow fell. The town centre is only a short walk away which was perfect for stretching the legs after a full day. Every day we were welcomed back to the chalet with fresh cake followed by a soak in the hot tub. The food was exceptional, from a hearty breakfast fixed by our chalet host Chris to a superb 3 course meal. Chris did a wonderful job with our meals - his recipes are very original and cooked to perfection (especially the exotic cake!). My only complaint is that I had to go home at the end of the week. 10/10 and we'll be back next season
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Fiona aAugust 2020
Fab!Had a wonderful week at Chalet La Rocade. Were looked after much too well by Chris & Shaz, Jana and Raph. Gorgeous ( and copious) food and cake, a well stocked fridge, lift passes on arrival (so no queuing), ski kit delivered to the door not to mention the easy transfers to and from Geneva all contributed to making our holiday enjoyable and memorable. The hot tub was also welcome after a hard day on the slopes. The snow was great and there is a very quiet ski lift only a few minutes from the Chalet which made getting to the slopes very easy. Hopefully we will be back for some of that Pear & Almond Tart - as well as to ski.
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CcnolanMarch 2020February 2020
Best Trip Ever!Our family of 5 traveled with another family of 4 to Les Gets for the first time over Spring Break. There were 5 boys between 7-11 and two sets of parents. I don't know where to begin describing how exceptional our week in Les Gets with M&T truly was. Leading up to the trip, communication was excellent for a type A planner like myself. All requests and timelines were laid out in advance regarding food choices, rental equipment, lessons, reservations for the two dinners out. All questions and requests were answered so kindly and professionally. When we arrived at Chalet La Rocade, we were greeted by our lovely Chalet host, Oona, with a smile on her face. We then were greeted at lunch by Belinda from M&T. Belinda ushered us through our equipment rental so efficiently, it was a breeze. Belinda made a few visits to our chalet to go through so many helpful details, including: suggesting where to eat lunch on the mountain, booking reservations for lunches, arranging transportation to ski on the Swiss side of the mountains, giving us ski tips on the trail map, booking a massage, and just giving us a good laugh/company. The food at the Chalet was 5 stars. Oona prepared everything to perfection, and on most nights, I heard at least one of the boys mutter 'that was the best x I have ever had in my life.' Oona was so quiet when she came in the mornings to prepare our daily breakfast feast, and met our chaotic family start to the day with patience and warmth. Oona was always prepared to meet whatever requests came her way, kept the chalet tidy, and was an absolute pleasure to spend the week with. The Chalet itself was charming. It was clean, modern, and had all of the amenities that we needed. I loved the boot room where our boots and gloves were warmed and waiting for us each day. As in the description, the Chalet is approximately 1 mile from town, but a short walk to the closest lift. This was great for our family because we didn't want to be in the center of the noise, but we wanted convenience and quick access to it when needed. I am so excited about coming back, whether it is next year or the following, and I look forward to sharing all of the details of this fabulous place and company with my friends back home. Cheers to M&T!
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Ian CFebruary 2020
Awesome service, great locationAnother very enjoyable trip to Les Gets, largely due to the outstanding service from the mountain and tradition team. Excellent food and great location for easy access to the slopes. Nothing falls short with these guys. Thanks and see you next year!
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Dave WFebruary 2020
Great for a mixed group of friends and familyWe were a mixture of friends and family, with varying numbers of days stay, with 11 in total staying during our 7 nights. The organisation and top local tips provided by the team at M&T was fantastic. For food, we opted for the Chalet Kitchen delivery service, which kept our meals to a high standard with flexible eating times, allowing us to enjoy the Apres and hot tub after a big day on the slopes. Special mention goes to Raphael, Jana, Ashleigh and Belinda.
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47Anne1964February 2020
Chalet la RocadeWonderful stay in Les Gets, Raph, Jana Chris & Shaz looked after us so well. Chalet perfect for the 3 of us, Chris & Shaz cooked us some amazing food and the snow was good. Bob, Anne & Sue 18th Jan 2014
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Steph21_ParisMarch 2020
An amazing week at Chalet La RocadeWe spent a fantastic holiday week with family and friends (11 of us, including 7 kids). Everything was perfect: the Chalet is super comfortable and so close to the ski lift or to the bus to the village, the food was stunning. And last but not least, our host Clara was outstanding, kind and so helpful, always smiling and available. We highly recommend and will definitely be back!
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YvonneMarch 2020
Fabulous, first class, five stars!What a fabulous skiing holiday the six of us had! First class service! Huge thanks to Ashleigh, Belinda and the rest of the team. They organised our travel to and from the airport and our lift passes and anything that we needed throughout the week was delivered, all with a smile and a friendly chat! Thanks to Matt the “ski equipment hire” man who fitted our skis and boots at the chalet. Efficient & friendly (again organised through M&T). The chalet itself was clean and spacious and so well located, directly opposite the bus stop. A quick bus ride and you were at the foot of the slopes and then a lovely blue run back at the end of the day. A short walk over the road and we were back at the chalet for a relaxing hot tub and scrummy piece of cake! The food was amazing! Beautiful cakes and the wine flowed very well all week! I can honestly say there was nothing to complain about! Everything was 5 star and we will definitely return next year! Thanks again!
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John CMarch 2020
Perfect location great place for families.We stayed with our two kids 3 years & 9 months and two family friends (6 in total). Nothing was to much for Ashleigh to arrange for us and it was all so prompt including ski passes, high chairs, even the food from Chalet Kitchen was brilliant. I sent my snowboard out early by courier where they brought it to the Chalet for me on arrival! We will be back!
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YvonneMarch 2020
Fabulous, first class, five stars!What a fabulous skiing holiday the six of us had! First class service! Huge thanks to Ashleigh, Belinda and the rest of the team. They organised our travel to and from the airport and our lift passes and anything that we needed throughout the week was delivered, all with a smile and a friendly chat! Thanks to Matt the “ski equipment hire” man who fitted our skis and boots at the chalet. Efficient & friendly (again organised through M&T). The chalet itself was clean and spacious and so well located, directly opposite the bus stop. A quick bus ride and you were at the foot of the slopes and then a lovely blue run back at the end of the day. A short walk over the road and we were back at the chalet for a relaxing hot tub and scrummy piece of cake! The food was amazing! Beautiful
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Ian GJanuary 2020
Excellent chalet with great serviceStayed with our two young children and family friends. Chalet facilities were very good with plenty of space for the eight of us. The flexi-catering option of having ready to reheat meals delivered each morning was excellent for fitting around looking after the kids and allowing them to eat at different times to the grown ups, the quality of the food was excellent and included wine was very drinkable. The support staff couldn't have been more helpful and went above and beyond to make our trip wonderful. Chalet is very conveniently located for the bus into the centre of the resort or nearby chair lift with easy blues finishing only a few hundred metres away.
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Lindsay OJanuary 2020
Had a great holidayWe were a party of 11 staying in la Rocade using both apartments. The chalet was spotlessly clean with enough space for 11 adults. Great idea with flexi catering as we could choose when we wanted to dine and there was enough of us to share the washing up! M&T couldn’t be more helpful and any request was swiftly dealt with. Ongoing we would struggle to find a better company to ski with! Lindsay
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JellitottyDecember 2019
Chalet La RocadeThis is our 6th visit to Les Gets, and again it did not disappoint. The Chalet was spotlessly clean and ready on our arrival ( even thou we arrived 3 hours early). Nothing is too much trouble and Jana, Rapha and their team have thought of everything and even if they haven't they will try to accommodate any request you have. There was even a Christmas tree waiting for us. The kids were super impressed the wifi connected as soon as we arrived as we have stayed in this exact chalet previously. The Ski bus stops right outside the chalet if you need to go into the centre of town ( ie ski school ) but if not the Perriere Lift is a 3-4 minute walk away. I can't recommend highly enough using Chalet Kitchen for their wonderful food. Not the easiest of a small group with one child, one vegetarian and 2 adults but the food that arrived was varied, delicious and plentiful , not to mention the amazing afternoon cakes . Plus the fridge is stocked on your arrival and wine & beer already chilling in the fridge. We will be back for sure . Wonderful wonderful Ski Company & Food delivery service . 5 Stars *****
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Bob Van SteenweghenApril 2019
Feeling welcome with excellent support and cateringTop communication in the weeks before our stay! Top catering service, with delicous food. All delivered in the morning. For us, this was the ideal combination of havong all meals at our convenience, without having to shop and cook! top service form Ashley & Jana, who also arranged our ski passes. Top also to have a garage for our bikes!
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Kimara0604February 2019
Brilliant chalet, superb cateringFeb half term 2019. Our expectations were high and we were not disappointed with either the chalet or the M&T team. The chalet was exceptionally clean (we had the upper floor - 3 adults and 3 kids) and the team very welcoming. All the food was fantastic and we wanted for nothing! To top up or change anything was really easy. Location wise perfect.. near the lift less than 10 mins in ski boots... or bus stop right outside. No complaints - we will be back. Thanks guys.
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AJWatson1986January 2019
January in the ChaletFriends and I visited Chalet la Rocade for a January ski trip. All of our ski equipment was arranged for us by the chalet as well as transfers and a stocked fridge for our arrival. We had a wonderful week in great snow conditions and made good use of the hot tub. We couldn't have asked more and enjoyed a very comfortable stay, greeted by a pleasant and helpful host who was always available on the phone for anything we needed. Can't wait to return!
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Tarifs & Disponibilités La Rocade - 1er Étage - | Saison 2024-2025

Comment Réserver?

Réserver votre séjour auprès de nous ne pourrait être plus facile! Il vous suffit de remplir le formulaire de réservation via le tableau des Tarifs & Disponibilités, ou simplement de nous contacter. À partir de là, nous nous occuperons de tout! Voici comment se déroule le processus d'organisation de votre séjour, de votre première prise de contact à votre arrivée en station.

1. Votre demande aujourd'hui

Sélectionnez vos dates à partir du formulaire de reservation ou contactez-nous afin de mettre une option sur la période souhaitée. Merci de lire nos conditions générales de vente avant toute réservation.

2. Paiement de l'acompte

Confirmez votre réservation en versant un acompte de 25%. Une fois que vous aurez reçu confirmation de notre part, vous pourrez organiser votre voyage sereinement sans prendre le risque que vos dates soient déjà réservées par quelqu'un d'autre.

3. Le Solde

Le solde de votre séjour sera dû 60 jours avant la date de votre arrivée.

4. Cours de Ski

Vos cours de ski et snowboarding peuvent être réservés à partir de septembre, nous vous recommandons fortement de nous le faire savoir si vous ou un membre de votre groupe souhaitez en bénéficier. Notre équipe de conciergerie ne manquera pas de vous contacter et vous conseiller sur les différentes options, avec suffisamment de temps pour sécuriser votre place auprès de l'école de ski de l'ESF.

5. Location de Ski

Trois semaines avant votre arrivée à la station, nous vous contacterons pour arranger votre location de ski et snowboard pour votre séjour dans la station.

6. Forfait de ski

10 jours avant votre arrivée, nous aurons une bonne idée des conditions de neige et ce sera alors le meilleur moment pour organiser vos forfaits de ski, afin de profiter pleinement de votre séjour aux Gets, au coeur des Portes du Soleil.

7. Une semaine avant vos vacances

La semaine avant votre arrivée, nous vous enverrons l'adresse du chalet.

8. Arrivée en station

Profitez bien! Vous êtes en vacances!